Copyright 2006 - 2017 @pollyvousfrancais. All photos and content original unless stated otherwise. I'm really nice, if you ask permission, I give it, and you give attribution.
Every day I see flyers stuck under windshield wipers in cars parked along the street. I don't know why, but I've been collecting them for over a year now. A slice of Paris life.
I have no knowledge of or vested interest in the establishments advertised in these flyers.
If you see a bona fide Paris windshield advertising flyer and would like to have it posted here, submit the scanned version to me at pollyvousfrancais [at] yahoo [dot] com and I'll do my best to include it. With attribution, of course!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
A First
I've seen hundreds of flyers under Paris windshield wipers. This is the first round one.
It figures they'd get around to it sooner or later.
We don't get windshield notices around here (the population of St. Paul and environs is probably less than a streetcorner in Paris), but we do get odd things stuck through the mail slot on our front door, which have now become a regular feature on our blog. Haven't had a round one yet, tho. But we've only been in St. Paul a couple of months. We'll keep an eye on P-B du Jour. Merci, Grillman & Luna
Oh now you're making me want to flit off to Paris so I can find these too. What a g reat idea. I'm enjoying them although my French is so poor, I stumble along. V
We don't get windshield notices around here (the population of St. Paul and environs is probably less than a streetcorner in Paris), but we do get odd things stuck through the mail slot on our front door, which have now become a regular feature on our blog. Haven't had a round one yet, tho. But we've only been in St. Paul a couple of months. We'll keep an eye on P-B du Jour. Merci,
Grillman & Luna
Oh now you're making me want to flit off to Paris so I can find these too. What a g reat idea. I'm enjoying them although my French is so poor, I stumble along.
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