Every day I see flyers stuck under windshield wipers in cars parked along the street. I don't know why, but I've been collecting them for over a year now. A slice of Paris life.

I have no knowledge of or vested interest in the establishments advertised in these flyers.

If you see a bona fide Paris windshield advertising flyer and would like to have it posted here, submit the scanned version to me at pollyvousfrancais [at] yahoo [dot] com and I'll do my best to include it. With attribution, of course!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Pare-Brise de la Semaine?

Pardon while the posts and flyers become less frequent -- it's bait-and-switch to call this Pare-Brise du Jour and not post anything for a week.

Check out Polly-Vous Francais? for another flyer.

I love the word pneu. Think of pneumatic drills, pneumonia, and the etymology suddenly becomes crystal-clear.


Autolycus said...

I like the idea of Milord Pneus. I imagine someone who looks a bit like this:


Polly-Vous Francais said...

Or Bibendum!

Unknown said...

Curioso tu blog de anuncios de París !
Genial et original blog !!!
A bientôt !!!