Copyright 2006 - 2017 @pollyvousfrancais. All photos and content original unless stated otherwise. I'm really nice, if you ask permission, I give it, and you give attribution.
Every day I see flyers stuck under windshield wipers in cars parked along the street. I don't know why, but I've been collecting them for over a year now. A slice of Paris life.
I have no knowledge of or vested interest in the establishments advertised in these flyers.
If you see a bona fide Paris windshield advertising flyer and would like to have it posted here, submit the scanned version to me at pollyvousfrancais [at] yahoo [dot] com and I'll do my best to include it. With attribution, of course!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Whaddaya waitin' for, Christmas?
"Are you waiting for Christmas to fit into your little black dress?"
Fat chance! I'm just hoping for a A Miracle on 34th Street. :)
yes indeed :)
There are more where this came from. I guess you can never be TOO skinny in Paris!
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